Below you will find in-depth information about the 7 Premium varieties of tungsten electrode that we offer. Our tungsten is created using a very slow doping process that allows for principal oxides to be added efficiently. Our most popular variety, LaYZr tungsten, is a Tri-Mix of Lanthanated, Yttrium, and Zirconiated oxides that withstand heat/tip deformity and work with numerous metal types on AC or DC applications.
Radioactive. Best for use in Direct Current (D/C) applications using transformer based constant current power sources. Best for use on non-corroding steels, titanium alloys, nickel alloys, copper alloys. Good D/C arc starts and stability, medium erosion rate, medium amperage range, medium tendency to spit.
Principal Oxide: 0.7-0.9% Zirconium Oxide
Non-Radioactive. Best for use in Alternating Current (A/C) for aluminum alloys and magnesium alloys using inverter or transformer based constant current power sources. Balls well, handles higher amperage than pure tungsten with less pitting, better arc starts and arc stability than pure tungsten.
Principal Oxide: 1.3-1.7% Lanthanum Oxide
Non-Radioactive. Best for use in Direct Current (D/C) as an alternative to 2% Thoriated using inverter or transformer based constant current power sources. Best for non-corroding steels, titanium alloys, nickel alloys, copper alloys. Best D/C arc starts and stability, low erosion rate, wide amperage range, no spitting.
Principal Oxide: 1.8-2.2% Cerium Oxide
Non-Radioactive. Best for use in Alternating Current (A/C) or Direct Current (D/C) applications using inverter or transformer based constant current power sources. Good for low-alloyed steels, non-corroding steels, aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, titanium alloys, nickel alloys, copper alloys. Good ignition and re-ignition properties, long service life, excellent arc stability. Low erosion rate, best at low amperage range, no spitting, good D/C arc starts and stability.
Principal Oxide: None
NON-RADIOACTIVE. Good for use in Alternating Current (A/C) for aluminum alloys and magnesium alloys in low to medium amperage applications using transformer based constant current power sources only. Balls are easy, tend to spit at higher amperages. Used for non-critical welds only.
Principal Oxide: 1.8-2.2% Lanthanum Oxide
Non-Radioactive. Best general-purpose electrode for both Alternating Current (A/C) or Direct Current (D/C) using inverter or transformer based constant current power sources. Good for low-alloyed steels, non-corroding steels, aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, titanium alloys, nickel alloys, copper alloys. Good arc starts and stability, medium to high amperage range, low erosion rate.
Principal Oxides: 1.5% Lanthanum, 0.8% Yttrium Oxides, 0.8% Zirconium
Non-Radioactive. Best for automated or robotic applications in Alternating Current (A/C) or Direct Current (D/C) due to low voltage tolerance (changes in tip to work piece distance) using inverter or transformer based constant current power sources. Good for low-alloyed steels, non-corroding steels, aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, titanium alloys, nickel alloys, copper alloys. Very stable tip geometry, runs cooler than 2% Thoriated with longer life, low to medium amperage range. Very best low amperage starts.
Color Code and Alloying Elements for Various Tungsten Electrode Alloys